Branko “Cranko” Baric

This is right out of hand on Twitter and I need to do this to pull this anti vaxxer into line. I’ll pick this up from this idiots tweets today. This first one is one from an earlier tweet from me.

Clancy is talking outside his specialty and therefore doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He has no experience in respiratory disease in general – only that which is related to emphysema (usually caused by smoking which is totally outside the matter concerned). His university – Newcastle – even made that clear! The fact that he is being promoted by total DH Craig Kelly should raise red flags instantly.

The reason they didn’t come true is because most countries locked down until the vaccine was available! You want proof? Look at the death numbers in the US and Brazil! There’s your proof! No lockdowns – the death numbers would have been much higher and you can’t say otherwise! Shutting borders also helped! Denying all that proves that you don’t care about people dying. A caring person would do everything to prevent it from happening! You won’t do that. Fact checkers are not liars.

As I said above, Clancy is talking outside his specialty. He has done nothing with COVID that has worked – it has all been for it’s proper use. Worms. And read it and weep;

Julian Gillespie? The Australian Vaccination-risks Network’s legal advisor? He is a proven liar and has forgotten the basics in law! Hearsay is not admissible but you can’t tell him that!

Get this through YOUR thick head – if you don’t support vaccination you are inviting death! Further proof of what I said above! And to your second point – look up herd immunity. It is needed to protect those who can’t (for proven medical reasons) be vaccinated. Innate immunity provides NO protection from COVID-19.

Barnett lied about the reasons she got the answers she got and misinterpreted it. The real reason is that people are refusing to co-operate with the TGA in the investigations. It holds them up and prevents the full response needed. That’s with holding information and should be punished as a criminal act. Get vaccinated and I’ll shut up about that. And to prove Barnett is a general liar;

Julian Fidge will be embarrassed when the Federal Court throw out his case. Barnett didn’t do her homework there either.

This idiot can call me callous till the cows come home, because this BS is coming from a callous uncaring base that has no facts in it whatsoever. Refusing the facts is what is truly callous and makes this poor excuse for a human being a hypocrite. If that is this person’s real name in either the name or the handle – guess what?

1 thought on “Branko “Cranko” Baric

  1. Mr Fix It

    Mr Branko or Mr Baric – you have been indoctrinated by a group of heinous individuals who are perennialist in their attitudes and attempting to set science and biology back hundreds of years. The owner of this blog has corrected you accurately.


